My recipe to win the day

I'm sure you've read a bunch of these posts already, and they all involve some sort of self-care ritual.

Wake up, meditate, fill your gratitude journal, do your breathwork, some yoga, read some devotionals, preferably Stoic.

There's nothing wrong with that.

But once enough time has gone by, you realise that you're not moving the needle on what matters the most, and that no amount of "self-care" is going to actually create a meaningful difference.

My recipe is this: wake up, wash face, move a bit to wake your body up, and sit down to do the meaningful work you know you need to do.

That's it.

For movement, I literally do 15 jumping jacks. That's it. The only purpose is to shake the grogginess off. Don't start a workout. Get on your meaningful thing.

How long do you spend on this meaningful activity? As long as you can. Some people can do 3 hours, some people can do 5 minutes.

But 5 minutes is better than nothing.

And a little time every day moving the meaning needle in your favour is a lot better than the hours you're spending thinking you're wasting your life away.

Give it a shot, 100 times, and let me know how it goes.
