Healing wounds
One of the absolute best ways to make sure a skin cut heals as soon as possible is:
1. Once the cut has been made, wash & disinfect, cover up so the initial wound stops bleeding and heals up a bit
2. Once the skin where the cut is has healed up a bit and we have a loose bit of dead skin over the cut, cut out the dead skin to smooth the surface and keep letting it heal.
The key thing is that extra dead skin which was first damaged and then served the purpose to protect in the initial stage, is now an extra layer which has the potential to get caught on our clothes, pockets, or other objects we interact with on our daily life.
If we catch that bit of dead skin, we open up the wound which was healing, essentially preventing the wound from healing or maybe even making it larger, and making the healing process drag out for way longer than necessary.
We need to cut away that old bit of skin as soon as it stops helping on the initial healing process, to avoid it hurting the secondary healing process.
Now go ahead and think about how holding on to some old mental mechanisms keeps preventing some of your old wounds to ever close and heal.