Free CSCS Exam practice question set
When I studied for my CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) exam last year, I found it was very difficult to test with good questions. And good practice questions are a much better way of improving your understanding of the material than just reviewing it again and again.
And that was exactly my issue when it came time to take the exam.
As soon as it started, I noticed that the questions had a completely different "vibe" to the ones I'd been practising with. I got scared for a second! After a brief pause, I could settle myself, and begin answering the questions in a bit of a more calmed way - eventually successfully passing. I got lucky I was able to do this, but I definitely wished that my preparation had matched the requirement more closely.
I've seen and used some of the question sets which are around but those tend to focus on recall only questions (those which give you the lowest score). It's really important to train on questions that will look like the type that you will face in the exam - with the right options and the right difficulty.
This is why I decided to help people in my same situation and put together this set of questions - I really hope they will help you.
These questions include an automatic scoring sheet, which allows you to type in your scores, and get a report of your weak points. This way you can go back and review the material WITHOUT reading the correct questions, therefore being able to take the exam with the same questions again - being able to get multiple passes out of the same question set.
So my set includes:
- Practice exam with 124 questions
- Included many application and analysis questions (not just recall style ones!)
- Automatic scoring sheet which allows you to know your results without having to score yourself and check the correct answer - therefore allowing you to use the same questions multiple times (so you get much more value out of these!)
- Automatic breakdown of your weak points per section and chapter - so you can focus on reviewing your more problematic areas
- Similar difficulty to that found in the actual exam
- Same number of choices per question as the actual exam
Download the whole pack here.
Disclaimer: These questions are all my own original work. I am not in any way affiliated with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). CSCS® and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® are registered trademarks of the NSCA. Success with this question set does not guarantee passing the exam.